Victory Park Mixed-Use Begins Redevelopment

by Nate Hunter

Dallas – Whiting-Turner is the construction manager for Phase One of the redevelopment.

Dallas – The 75-acre mixed-used development Victory Park has begun a redevelopment project that will last through the year. Phase One will include horizontal street work on Olive Street and Victory Park Lane to improve the pedestrian experience and connectivity between American Airlines Center/Victory Plaza and the southern area of Victory Park. A raised crosswalk and a median will be added on Olive Street to connect Victory Park Lane and Victory Plaza, and a signalized crosswalk will be placed at the intersection of Olive Street and Victory Park Lane so pedestrians can cross between American Airlines Center and the southern area of Victory Park. On Victory Park Lane, the existing raised medians and streetlights will be removed, the sidewalks will be widened to accommodate large outdoor patios, and additional raised crosswalks will be added.

Victory Park currently includes 130,000 square feet of restaurants and retail space, including Chad Rookstool Salon, Cook Hall, Hard Rock Café, Havana Social Club, House of Blues, Kenichi, Medina, Metro Tickets, Naga Thai, Neo Pizza, The Office of Angela Scott, Perot Museum of Nature & Science, Shooters and Victory Tavern. Whiting-Turner is the construction manager for Phase One of the redevelopment. Future phases will focus on enhancing storefronts, graphics and landscaping; improving signage and way-finding; converting North Houston Street and Victory Avenue to two-way traffic; and adding dedicated bike lanes from the end of Katy Trail to the park located in the center of Victory Park.

— Scott Reid





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